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AKG K121 Studio repair

I got an AKG K121 Studio headphone for repair in the following condition:

I don’t know what would happened with them. I think it just simply come apart during years. Since AKG headphones are Made in China plastic parts are broke, cable became stiff etc.. I never seen Made in Austria version come apart or with broken plastic parts.

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Install TP-Link usb wireless adapter on Linux

Today I installed TP-Link TL-WN722N usb wireless adapter on Linux Debian system. Linux does not recognize this adapter by default so you need to install it manually.

Here is my method:

1. Open sources.list with sudo:

nano /etc/apt/sources.list

2. Paste this deb command in the end of file:

# Debian 8 "Jessie"
deb jessie main contrib non-free

3. Update the list of available packages and install the firmware-atheros package:

apt-get update && apt-get install firmware-atheros

4. Connect device to your system, or reboot

DT770 headband slider replacement to Superlux slider

After ~5 years of usage my favourite Beyerdynamic DT770 pro (250ohm) headphone’s headband sliders started to get hairline cracks. I read forums about this problem, its a very common issue. Original replacement parts also will crack so this is not the best solution for long term usage.

Superlux HD-660 and Beyerdynamic DT770 slider kit

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DeaDBeeF music player in Elementary OS

I switched from Windows 10 to Elementary OS. Elementary OS is very powerful, and I get much better performance and user experience than Windows 10.
I used foobar in Windows and DeaDbeeF is the best Linux music player alternative for me.

Install DeaDbeeF in terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:starws-box/deadbeef-player
sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install deadbeef

You can customize almost everything, convert, add album art column, show bitarate etc. like this:

I use Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 soundcard and it works perfectly in Elementary OS 5.1 Hera.

I set PulseAudio to 96kHz and 24bit  in /etc/pulse/daemon.conf

; default-sample-format = s24le
; default-sample-rate = 96000
; alternate-sample-rate = 96000


Orange Love Calm

01- Anima Sound System – Közel a szerelemhez
02- Blank & Jones with Zoe Dee – Pure Shores
03- Bliss – Kissing
04- Thievery Corporation – Le Coeur
05- Blank & Jones featuring Cathy Battistessa – Miracle Man (Beached)
06- Lisa Ono – Besame Mucho
07- Bliss- Evening Sun
08- Uschi – If I Love You
09- Blank & Jones – Sweet Spot
10- Chicane – No Ordinary Morning (Thomas Datt Ambient Remix)

Replacing E-MU 1820m caps

After more than 10 years my emu 1820m started to play noise when i tried to play music. Sounded like “white noise” and 15 minutes after every boot the noise seem to be disappeared.

When I dissasembled the dock unit I realized 2 buggy capacitors, and replaced it with 680uF 25V caps (bought from local electronics store).  After replacement the noise disappeared immediately:

I also realized another buggy capacitors in outputs/inputs pcb. I didn’t hear that it would affect the sound, but they didn’t look good:

Replaced these 12 cap with same branded Jamicon 470uF 6,3V capacitors (bought from ebay):

Fin Des Jours

01- Milosh – This Time
02- Chicane – Fin Des Jours
03- Blank & Jones – A Drop Of Rain (with Jason Caesar)
04- L’Impératrice – Vanille Fraise
05- Morcheeba – Undress Me Now
06- Blank & Jones With Zoe Dee – Diamonds & Pearls
07- Mo’Horizons – Dance Naked Under Palmtrees
08- Twisted Air Feat. Caroline Thorp – Feels Like Forever
09- Chicane feat. Kate Walsh – Playing Fields (Beatless Demo)
10- Bliss – Kissing

Playstation controller repair

I have two oldschool playstation1 controller and I decided to connect them to PC via USB. One of them was faulty, because left side buttons (arrows and L1 L2) doesn’t responded for pressing.

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Online typography tools

There are many interesting “must-have” web design tool available on the internet, I tried to collect my favorite typography tools:

1. Type Scale is a great visual font size calculator, helps to set your typography correctly.

type scale

2. Colorable
helps to set the correct font and background color/contrast ratio of your site. You can generate correct font and background colors with this visual editor.

3. Golden Ratio Typography Calculator 
helps to “discover the perfect typography for your website by entering your current font size and content width.”

4. PX to EM calculator
is great for px to em, em to px conversions, and you can learn more about pix, em, % and pt.

Responsive YouTube videos with FitVids

FitVids.js is a great jQuery plugin for fluid width video embeds. It also available in wordpress plugin, but I wanted to add manually into my theme. This tutorial is about how to add FitVids.js manually into your wordpress theme.

  • download Fitvids.js from here
  • upload “FitVids.js-master” folder into your theme’s js directory
  • create a new file with name “FitVids.js” and copy this code:
(function($) {
    // Target your .container, .wrapper, .post, etc.
  • you can replace “.post” with container name of your posts
  • upload “FitVids.js” into your theme’s js folder
  • copy and paste this code into your theme’s functions.php file:
wp_enqueue_script('fitvids', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/FitVids.js-master/jquery.fitvids.js', array('jquery'), '', TRUE); 

wp_enqueue_script('fitvids-xtra', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/FitVids.js', array(), '', TRUE);

Now you have responsive youtube and vimeo embeds. Here is a sample youtube video: